Give your child or grandchild a fun activity and educational opportunity during their Mid-Winter or Spring Break from school. Students learn how to handle and ride horses and broaden their life skills through learning about the Language, Leadership and Lightness of the horse.
Our Mid-Winter and Spring Break Camps provide a positive, healthful activity that expands your child’s learning outside the traditional school setting. Children are allowed to experience new and fun knowledge through the art, science and social community of the horse. They also get to share and develop their love for animals.
Camp is open to children from 8-14 years old. The horse curriculum is individualized to be age and skill appropriate.
Half-Day (9a -12:00p)
Before and after care available by special arrangement.
Mid-Winter Camp February 20 – 24, 2023 CANCELED
Spring Break Camp April 10 – 14, 2023 CANCELED