Sundays: May 11 – June 22, 2025, 3:30p – 5:30p
Learn a holistic way to be with horses that understands the nature of the horse and seeks to build a well-rounded horse person who not only understands the techniques, but the mind and spirit of the horse.
Instruction starts on the ground and works its way into the saddle. You will learn how to balance the mental, emotional and physical elements of good horsemanship and good riding.
For the new horseman:
Get a jump start on your natural horsemanship journey. You will learn the foundation of Language, Leadership and Lightness, how to ride with a connected seat, basic rein positions and the skills needed to ride with lightness and balance.
For the experienced horseman:
Find and fix the challenges you are having with your horse. Clinicians agree; most problems go back to the basics. Stop the struggle by improving your communication and partnership with your horse.
- Stop your horse from crowding and pushing on you
- Get your horse to move softly and willingly off pressure
- Stop your horse from spooking at everything
- Make trailer loading easy
- Quit bouncing in your seat
Course Outline:
- Understanding the Language of the Horse
- The unique characteristics of the horse
- Leading quietly and respectfully
- Respecting your space
- Reducing the spooks–desensitizing your horse
- Equinality Assessment
- Earning Leadership
- The Power of Focus and Intent
- Yielding the forequarters
- Yielding the hindquarters
- Backing
- Ground tying/Standing still
Moving the horse, not yourself
- Moving sideways
- Riding Balanced and With Lightness
- Grooming and saddling
- Pre-ride attitude check
- Mounting safely
- Finding your balance
- Go and whoa
- Staying straight
- Basic rein positions
- Sitting the trot
You will receive two hours of instruction each week for six weeks. Students are expected to study required readings, watch videos and practice their learning outside of class time. Practice time with an NWNHC school horse can be scheduled.
You can trailer in your horse or borrow one of ours.
Courses are limited to no more than six students at a time. This provides more individualized attention and learning.
Your Instructor
Jim “Hutch” Hutchins
Hutch began his horse journey in earnest with a beautiful, but troubled, Thoroughbred from off the track. The search to bring peace and trust to this beautiful grandson of Secretariat led to Hutch’s discovery of natural horsemanship and study with horse masters such as Pat and Linda Parelli, Craig Cameron, Jack Brainard, Anna Twinney, Sylvia Zerbini, and so many others. These studies gave Hutch an understanding of the horse based on fairness, leadership, and partnership. He has been sharing these lessons with hundreds of students for more than 15 years. As director of education for NWNHC and a former adult education teacher at the University of Washington, Hutch has created certificate courses that simplify the learning process, clarify the horse/human relationship, and encourage and motivate students.
Tuition: $600
$200 deposit required to hold your spot.